The Aluminum Manufacturing Process

Aluminum is an essential material in modern manufacturing. Aerospace, construction, healthcare, transportation, and other leading industries all depend on it in some form. Aluminum has a number of desirable properties, including strong electrical and thermal conductivity, low weight, and high malleability. Because of its versatility, it can be used to manufacture products of any shape or size, whether it’s a can of soda or the fuselage of a commercial airliner.

在Co必威国际官方网站ntinental Steel和Tube,我们几乎为每个主要行业的公司提供了近三十年的铝制制造工艺,铝制零件具有高性能的铝制零件。无论您项目的范围或规模如何,我们都可以采购和提供所需的任何组件。

The Bayer Process

Aluminum manufacturing begins with bauxite, an ore that consists of aluminum oxide, iron, and other metals. As soon as the bauxite is mined, it’s subjected to the Bayer process—a method named in honor of the Austrian chemist who developed it in the late nineteenth century.

Since aluminum oxide must be separated from any surrounding impurities before it can be processed, it must be extracted from bauxite before it can be used for any industrial purpose. During the first stage of the Bayer process, the bauxite is placed in a chemical solution and heated between 150 °C and 200 °C, which dissolves the aluminum oxide. In its liquid form, the aluminum compound travels through a series of filters before settling in a precipitation tank, where it begins to crystallize. The crystals are then heated to approximately 1,100° C in a kiln, resulting in pure aluminum oxide.

The Aluminum Manufacturing Process

The Hall—Héroult Process

然后,铝制制造业继续使用大厅 - 以美国和法国化学家在1886年独立开发它们的美国和法国化学家的命名。今天,它仍然在广泛使用中,只有较小的改编。

Since aluminum oxide contains oxygen atoms, it needs to be refined into pure aluminum before the material can be used in manufacturing. The process of refinement begins by placing the heated aluminum oxide crystals into a vat of molten cryolite, which immediately dissolves the crystals to create an electrolyte solution. A direct current then enters the vat through a carbon lining and leaves it through a pair of carbon rods suspended above it. The electric current initiates a chemical reaction that causes the aluminum to separate from the oxygen atoms and accumulate at the bottom of the vat.

After undergoing this process, the aluminum becomes molten metal of 99.8% purity. The molten metal can then be cast into a mold, cooled with water, and finished in the desired shape. The result is industrial-grade aluminum.

The Continued Strength of Aluminum

Aluminum manufacturing hasn’t changed much since the late nineteenth century, but as the technology used to refine it improves, the quality of the aluminum produced continues to increase.

在Co必威国际官方网站ntinental Steel和Tube,我们始终与行业中最具创新的制造商合作,以确保我们可以为客户提供当今市场上最强的铝。多年来,我们建立了一个多样化的供应商网络,专门从事涉及铝的应用程序。借助这些长期的关系支持我们,我们能够为您提供满足任何申请需求的铝产品。

Continental Steel and Tube is proud to supply manufacturers across the world with the finest aluminum in the industry. If you’re interested in our products, give us a call at 877-292-2290 orbetway 体育是哪国的online.

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The Aluminum Manufacturing Process

  • Weight

    Size Information


  • Conversions

    Inches to Milimeter

    Millimeters =

    Milimeter to Inches

    Inches =

    Pounds to Kilograms

    Kilograms =

    Kilograms to Pounds


    Metric Tons to Pounds


    Metric Tons to Tons

    Tons =

    Fahrenheit to Celcius

    Celcius =

    Celcius to Fahrenheit

    Fahrenheit =


    Joules =

    Joules to FT/LBS

    FT/LBS =

    MPA to PSI

    psi =

    MPA to KSI

    ksi =

    PSI to MPA

    mpa =

    KSI to MPA

    mpa =

  • Miscellaneous

    Carbon Equivalency Formula

    Carbon Equiv =

    PCM Formula

    PcM =

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